Incontri : Solar Cities Congress

2nd International Solar Cities Congress

The following posters were presented by GSES at the 2nd International Solar Cities Congress, Oxford 3-6 April, 2006:

Silvi, C., Los, S. "The Italian Solar City Travelling Exhibition"
Many historical sources preserved in Italy testify to interest in solar energy from the earliest times. Archaeological evidence - unique in the world - is likewise invaluable.

Italy is the land of Marcus Vitruvius (90-20 B.C.), author of De Architectura, one of the ancient texts most studied and cited in relation to solar architecture and urban planning. The "Italian Solar City Travelling Exhibition," introduced to the Congress participants by this poster presentation, aims at showing to the public how historical solar cities of the past can be a source of inspiration in designing the cities of the future.

Silvi, Cesare "Solar Building Practices and Urban Planning in the Work of Gaetano Vinaccia (1889 - 1971)"
The purpose of this presentation is to recall the work of the Italian architect and engineer Gaetano Vinaccia, who authored more than 180 publications and dozens of projects and patents during the first half of the 1900s.

Research on Vinaccia is part of the ongoing work on Italian solar energy pioneers in the framework of "The Italian Solar Energy History Program" promoted by GSES and supported by the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities.

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Pionieri dell'energia solare in primo piano:
» G. Ciamician
» G. Francia
» G. Vinaccia

Video della mostra
"Le città solari"
al Festival della
Scienza 2006

Gruppo per la storia dell'energia solare

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ai sensi del decreto legislativo del 4 dicembre 1997, N. 460, Art. 10, comma 8.

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