Incontri : Europe History Projects Workshop

Workshop on the ISES/ISES Europe History Projects

JUNE, MONDAY 21, 2004

Venue: Konzerthaus Freiburg
(Free for EuroSun registrants and for those attending only this workshop)

on the occasion of EuroSun 2004, June 20-24, Freiburg (Germany)
In preparation for the 2005 Solar World Congress in Orlando, Florida, USA

Scope of the workshop

Over the last two years many people have been volunteering and/or working in preparing for the 50th Anniversary of ISES and for the related events on the history of solar energy that will take place on the occasion of ISES2005 ( in the US.

This workshop has two main goals.

The first goal is to update attendees about the work done so far and actions in progress in view of the above. In particular, about the preparation of ISES History books, videos on pioneers, web sites, historical archives, etc.

The second goal is to use the experiences of those who have been working on the ISES History projects so far and to get their inputs in order to examine and discuss possible topics that merit further investigation and consideration for paper submission at the history session at ISES2005.

At the workshop also inputs on ways to promote the solar energy history topics within ISES Sections and among other energy organizations and institutions are expected.

All invited speakers have been requested to focus their presentations on a selected number of aspects that have been important during their research and work and that could be of stimulus or guidance for the attendees and for anybody willing to actively participate in the preparation of ISES2005. They havebeen invited to speak at the workshop only ten minutes each, in order to accommodate more contributions and time for discussion.


14.00 – 18.00

J. Rosenfeld (E-mail:
President ISES-Europe, Mold, United Kingdom

G. Mener (E-mail:;
Historian, Germany

Scientific and Organizing Secretariat
L. Fara (Rumania) (E-mail:
C. Silvi (Italy) (E-mail:

ISES History Projects (Scope, plans, state of the art)

ISES History Projects for the Solar World Congress 2005
R. Böer ( E-mail: RenateBö )

Session on the history of solar energy and ISES at the Solar World Congress 2005
C. Silvi (E-mail:

What might be interesting for historians of technology in the history of solar energy
G. Mener (E-mail:; )

The Last Twenty-Five Years of ISES
D. Mills (E-mail:

ISES-Mexico and its relations with European developments
E. Rincón Mejía (E-mail:

Work in progress at European Sections (examples, 10 minutes each)

Researching History of Solar Energy and ISES in Germany
A.Goetzberger (E-Mail:

Russian heritage for solar energy activity
D. Strebkov, I. Tyukhov ( Email:

Italian activities in preparation for the 50th Anniversary of ISES
C. Silvi (

The History of ISES Europe
T. Esbensen (

Work in progress for the History Sessions (examples, 10 minutes each)
History of: international organizations; government policies; solar pioneers; solar technologies etc.

History of Solar Energy within The World Energy Council: 1924 to 1955
A.Clarke, J. Trinnaman

Solar Items in Cultures and Civilizations. Its Link with Solar Technologies
L. Fara, S. Fara

Highly innovative, high temperature, high concentration, solar optical system at the turn of the nineteenth century. The Pyrheliophoro,
M. Collares Pereira (E-mail:

Concentrating Solar Power in Europe - From burning mirrors to Solar Hydrogen
M. Romero (E-mail:

Research concept for photovoltaics policy
V. Lauber (E-mail:


  • how to involve other institutions, organizations, people
  • how to improve and circulate the 2nd Call for papers
  • possible sponsorship etc.
  • other

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Pionieri dell'energia solare in primo piano:
» G. Ciamician
» G. Francia
» G. Vinaccia

Video della mostra
"Le città solari"
al Festival della
Scienza 2006

Gruppo per la storia dell'energia solare

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ai sensi del decreto legislativo del 4 dicembre 1997, N. 460, Art. 10, comma 8.

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